Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Charles Fort

A truly excellent article in the London Telegraph.


"Fort had discovered that it wasn't merely houses that were haunted; our reality is haunted, our textbooks are haunted, our sciences and understandings are haunted."

For more information on Charles Fort, go to Wikipedia.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Alien Teachers?

Some people in the UFO community believe that aliens are abducting humans and using our DNA to create a new type of human, a hybrid.

Just look at these two ladies and tell me that they are not alien hybrids. Especially the one on the left.

Ha ha.

Monday, April 28, 2008

UFO in Baytown, Texas

When two guys claim to have seen a UFO, my first reaction is to be a little sceptical. But when two women claim to have a UFO, my antennae perk up.

...others suggested it was a meteor that lit up the Baytown sky that night.
But Fogt and Boyd said, as far as they’ve heard, meteors don’t make hard-banking right turns.

“And then it just kicked in – like, warp speed – and it was gone!” Boyd said. “An extremely sharp turn.”

“It just – poof! – disappeared. It was like a little triangle zap, like you see in the movies. I mean, it just disappeared...."

You be the judge.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New alternatives to Intelligent Design

Okay, I admit that I am a sucker for stories like this...

"One of the problems I've had with Intelligent Design is that if you look at our actual anatomy, there's some serious problems with believing anybody actually intelligent had anything to do with it. I mean, what creator that had any clue about what he was doing would give octopi better designed eyes then we have? Or would mix the breathing and eating tubes? and let's not EVEN talk about our spine, leg joints and feet.

So I came up with a couple of alternatives..."

The only complaint I have is that the author completely ignored the theory of Direct Intervention that Lloyd Pye has worked on. If you've never heard of Direct Intervention you can view a very interesting slide show here.

And, yes, there is a UFO connection.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I wonder if he was thinking of UFOs.........?

"Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable." -- H. L. Mencken

Friday, April 25, 2008


Back in the 70s I was living with a lady who told me that before I moved in she thought someone was sneaking into her house at night.

"Why do you say that?"

"I would wake up and feel fear, I guess. And I could sense the presence of someone in the room."

"You didn't see anyone?"


"Sounds like a dream to me."

"No, it wasn't a dream. It was very, very real. I know the difference between dreams and reality."

"But you didn't see anyone?"

"It was as if I wasn't supposed to see it...or whoever it was."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

UFOs and Bigfoot and Beeping

An interesting article in the UFO Digest caught my eye last week. The author of the article also has a blog, Orange Orb.

In the UFO Digest article, the author writes...

"An interesting characteristic of Bigfoot, UFO and alien encounters is the electronic, beeping sound many witnesses report hearing during these incidents."

She goes on to say....

"My personal experience with beeping sounds: I’ve occasionally have been abruptly awakened late at night, and yes, around 3:00 am, because of a loud beeping sound in my head. The sound is very distinct, very mechanical, and all I can say is, as loony as it sounds, it’s from inside my head, not an exterior source, like from a truck outside or someone’s alarm clock. This has happened several times."

She goes on to write that the beeping could be connected to "lulling us into a passive, amnesiac state" or is used to lull us "into a hypnotic trance-like state."

Go ahead and read the entire story.

Sure it's strange, but isn't everything nowadays?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

UFOs and Reality

Does anybody really know what reality is?

The election campaigns of Hillary, Obama, and McCain all weave intricate lies and deceits that are categorically refuted by the other candidates. And we are left confused and bewildered by all these claims and counterclaims. Who is telling the truth and who is lying? Does anyone really know?

This article about recent UFO sightings follows the tactics of a typical American election. Claims and counterclaims. Lies and deceit. Does anyone really know what is going on?

Here's a followup.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Stephen Hawking

I just don't see what this man has ever done to deserve his fame. Sure, he has made "contributions" to his field but has there been any great breakthroughs for science? He seems to have inherited Carl Sagan's position as the "go to" guy when newspapers need a quote. Carl Sagan, in my not so humble opinion, is also highly overrated.

Hawking's latest proclamation to his adoring masses is here.

If you're interested in his Wikipedia biography, go here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Flying Triangles

Sightings of flying triangles and triangular shaped UFOs seem to be increasing. I'm not a big fan of the "secret military aircraft" explanation but then again I have been wrong before.

Could THESE be responsible for triangular UFO sightings?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Aerosol Anomalies

While UFO Pilgrim believes that most photos of UFOs are outright fakes, the ones in the following story caught my eye. I'm really not sure why but they just don't seem to have the fake mojo in them. You be the judge.

"During the past month, two individuals have submitted a series of photographs to me that depict unusual airborne forms. To my knowledge, neither of these individuals is in contact with the other. The photographs are stated to be original. In both cases, the photos shown here are reported to have taken place in the midst of heavy aerosol operations over the respective geographic regions."

See the photos here.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Are We a Simulation?

Is it possible that....

"our universe is a simulation with finite boundaries. Maybe we have yet to achieve contact with aliens because the universe we observe is a computational artifact and there are no aliens … except, possibly, for the ones responsible for the simulation in the first place."

Or perhaps...

"we're an anthropological experiment set loose in an agar of code; somewhere, overseers could be watching our plight with keen interest."

And then again...

"we may not only be a simulation, but a simulation within a simulation. Or, more demeaning yet, a simulation within a simulation within a simulation."

Read the entire story here

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Love a Mystery

"Mystery today surrounded an unidentified flying object that smashed through the roof of a Hawke's Bay house, landing on the lounge floor yesterday."

(They could have at least published a picture of it. And I might add that this type of incident seems to be happening more and more as time goes by. Read the full story here.)

Also check out this video of Earth-rise from an orbiter around the moon.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Ultimate Tin Foil Hat

See photo here

Sunday, April 13, 2008


A recently released photo of Stickney Crater, the largest crater on the Martian moon Phobos, is simply magnificent. Go ahead, take a peek. You can see the Photo here.

And another here.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Night

Vincent van Gogh was quoted as saying, "I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."

All the UFO enthusiasts around the globe would certainly agree with that wholeheartedly. What have you seen lately?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Alien Girl
Well she could be an alien couldn't she? Can you prove she's not?
UFO Websites

Anyone who cruises the web for any length of time soon learns to Bookmark or Favoritize their favorite sites.

Two sites that I have visited for a considerable length of time are presently inactive and appear to be dead....

UFO Experiences and UFO Reflections.

Sometimes we waste our energy wishing for a return to the past and that our favorites will live forever. I am guilty of it also.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

UFO Fakery

Am I the only swinging dick in the universe that thinks photos like this are fake? It's obvious to me that someone has thrown it upwards or it has begun its descent after being thrown up into the air.

Or am I to believe that UFO pilots are like drunken frat boys and are unable to maintain a stable flight path?

Note to fakers...if you want to keep trying to fool the public at least learn how to do it smartly like Billy Meier did...with only one arm no less.

It is truly amazing to me how people can fake loyalty to their employers, their wives, and their friends but are unable to fake a decent UFO picture. Disgusting.