Friday, May 23, 2008

My Strange Experience #3

During the summer recess between my freshman and sophomore years in high school, I got into the habit of staying up late and reading. I was fifteen years old.

I always sat at the end of a couch near a window and lamp. My mom always closed the curtains at night but left the windows open to allow the cool summer air to come in.

Over a two or three week period, I gradually became aware of someone or something standing outside the window each night. At first I thought it was the neighborhood dogs prowling around and paid no attention to the noises. Gradually I became aware that it was the sounds of a subtle shifting of feet on the gravel directly outside and below the window where I was sitting.

Eventually I decided that no animal would return to the same spot night after night and make noises like that. And I doubt that a peeping tom or sexual pervert would return night after night since I never opened the curtains or even made any noise at all. A peeping tom or sexual pervert would have grown bored and moved on to "fleshier" pastures.

I eventually formed the impression that it was caused by someone or something with little weight, and having a short stature. I distinctly remember thinking that it was a kid or someone similar in size. Back in those days kids didn't stay out until 1 or 2 o'clock at night. At least not in my small home town. And certainly not over the entire summer.

Whatever it was, I still have the impression that the sounds were made intentionally in order to get my attention. As if it were daring me to open the curtains. For what, I have no idea.

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