Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Strange Experience #2

Several years ago I was looking for arrowheads on a friend's ranch in south Texas. It was hot and sunny on a Sunday morning. I had been given permission to go to the ranch at any time I chose and had been given a key to the gates.

I worked my way up to an earthen wall that formed one side of a stock pond that ranchers build to water their livestock and to provide private fishing holes.
The wall was about 10 feet from the bottom to the top and was about 300 feet long. The top was flat and about 4 or 5 feet wide. I walked the entire length of the wall on the water side of the wall, glancing left and right as I slowly worked my way to the end. I saw nothing of interest.

I turned and began working my way back to my starting point, walking this time on the opposite side of the wall's top, away from the water. About one third of the way back I immediately noticed a beautiful 4 inch-long arrowhead lying directly in the center of the wall's flat surface. I saw it from about 10 feet away.

It was not partially embedded in the soil like most arrowheads. It was lying there as if someone had ran out of the brush surrounding the pond after I had walked by and placed it on the ground so that I would find it. I was flabbergasted. I had walked by the very spot just a few moments before and could not have possibly missed it. No way in hell could I have missed it the first time.

There was no one else on the ranch at the time because the owners lived in a nearby town. I first thought that someone was baiting me, but I had walked aimlessly for at least a half mile before I came upon the stock pond. And it was pure chance that I turned around and walked back the way I had come. A strange feeling of dread overcame me and I immediately walked back to my car and left the ranch. I never went back alone after that.

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