Thursday, May 28, 2009


"To my knowledge, the earliest account of a hostage experience was given in 593 B.C. by the Babylonian priest Ezekiel who described (as reported in the Bible) an abduction by 'creatures' in a flying round bronze object. According to some contemporary interpretations, Ezekiel was taken hostage aboard a spaceship-type craft whereas other commentaries emphasize the possibility of hallucinations induced by staring at solar halos. Nonetheless, Ezekiel’s account details shock, feelings of floating, and perceptions of lights, colors, and mystical visions of God."

Full story here

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alien Invasions

Wikipedia notes that alien invasion movies aren’t really about lizards occupying the earth as much as an expression at some level, of our deepest social fears.

"The invasion scenario has been used as an allegory for a protest against military hegemony and the societal ills of the time. Wells’ The War of the Worlds is often viewed as an indictment of European colonialism and its “gunboat diplomacy” —setting a common theme for some politically motivated future alien invasion stories.
Prospects of invasion tended to vary with the state of current affairs, and current perceptions of threat. Alien invasion was a common metaphor in US science fiction during the Cold War, illustrating the fears of foreign (i.e. Soviet Union) occupation and nuclear devastation of the American people.…"

More here

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quantum Theory

It is kind of nice to see a scientist admit to the possibility of a spiritual reality....

"Because of its bizarre implications, quantum theory has been used to investigate everything from free will and the paranormal to the enigma of consciousness. Several serious physicists have devoted their lives to the study of such ideas, including Bernard d'Espagnat. In March, the 87-year-old Frenchman won the prestigious $1.5 million Templeton Prize for years of work affirming "life's spiritual dimension....Based on quantum behavior, Dr. d'Espagnat's big idea is that science can only probe so far into what is real, and there's a 'veiled reality' that will always elude us."

Complete story here

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So what is truth?

Wormholes. Time Dilation. Black Holes. Multiple Dimensions. Reptilian Shape Shifters. Uncertainly Principle. Parallel worlds. Warping space. Gnostic gnonsense. Archons. Demiurges. Tulpas.

I find it odd that people can speak of these things with a straight face yet disparage the Christian religion. Aren't they all a little hard to believe in? Where's the evidence for any of them. Yet only one is mocked and ridiculed daily in our society. People should remember that in 1803 scientists were forced to admit that meteors fell from the sky and sometimes landed on Earth. Previously the stories of falling rocks had been mocked and ridiculed as stories made up by the uneducated rubes living in the hills.

Just who exactly benefits from the destruction of Christianity?

Jacques Vallee wrote in 1989, "I think the stage is set for the appearance of new faiths, centred on the UFO belief. To a greater degree than all phenomena modern science is confronting, the UFO can inspire awe, the sense of the smallness of man, and an idea of the possibility of contact with the cosmic. The religions we have briefly surveyed began with the miraculous experiences of one person, but to-day there are thousands for whom the belief in otherworldly contact is based on intimate conviction, drawn from what they regard as personal contact with UFOs and their occupants."

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Is this another "Wow" moment?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Crop Circle

I just don't know what to make of crop circles. Some are obviously hoaxes but the sheer numbers and locations they are found in around the world seem to indicate some kind of paranormal connection.

Crop circles are like UFO and bigfoot stories...alluring yet contrary to the senses.

Here is an interesting analysis of one of the most recent crop circles.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Star Trek

Like you, I watched Star Trek because everyone else was doing so. But I quickly tired of the inherent lameness of the story lines and drifted away. Here is a good example of why I switched channels to more realistic shows like Batman and Jerry Springer. Just kidding....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Skin Walker

In some Native American legends, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires. Similar lore can be found in cultures throughout the world and is often referred to as shapeshifting by anthropologists.

Often, Navajos will tell of their encounter with a skinwalker, though there is a lot of hesitancy to reveal the story to non-Navajos, or (understandably) to talk of such frightening things at night. Sometimes the skinwalker will try to break into the house and attack the people inside, and will often bang on the walls of the house, knock on the windows, and climb onto the roofs. Sometimes, a strange, animal-like figure is seen standing outside the window, peering in. Other times, a skinwalker may attack a vehicle and cause a car accident. The skinwalkers are described as being fast, agile, and impossible to catch. Though some attempts have been made to shoot or kill one, they are not usually successful. Sometimes a skinwalker will be tracked down, only to lead to the house of someone known to the tracker. As in European werewolf lore, sometimes a wounded skinwalker will escape, only to have someone turn up later with a similar wound which reveals them to be the witch. It is said that if a Navajo was to know the person behind the skinwalker they had to pronounce the full name, and about three days later that person would either get sick or die for the wrong that they have committed.

According to Navajo legend, skinwalkers can have the power to read human thoughts. They also possess the ability to make any human or animal noise they choose. A skinwalker may use the voice of a relative or the cry of an infant to lure victims out of the safety of their homes.

The information above is found here.

So what does this have to do with UFO's? Mercy, mercy, haven't you been paying attention?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cloud Circles

Then our attention was drawn up to a scene that astonished us, despite our sensibility. There in the sky was, beyond any doubt, an intelligent manifestation of the extramundane reality we’d just been discussing. A definitive "cloud circle" stretched across the entire visible sky above us, painted in cotton ball clouds the warm hue of reflected city lights against the pitch black canvas of deep space.

More here

Saturday, May 2, 2009


There are lots of calls across the internet for "disclosure" of government evidence of UFO activity in and around our planet. Of course no one really knows if the government is hiding any evidence at all. Most likely they are as clueless as the rest of us. Just ask yourself what government program has ever been successful.

But if the government did have evidence why would they refuse to disclose it? The following comment was referring to Bigfoot but it could very well have been addressing the subject of extraterrestrials....

"We're so used to being the ultimate intelligence out there that I suspect it would really mess with your mind."