Monday, June 22, 2009


Some believe that humans are simply a genetic experiment implemented by some race or group of unknown entities that may or may not come from other realms of the universe. Others think we are being guided to a heightened spirituality by these unkown entities. Some writers refer to these entitites as Space Brothers.

Space Brothers are here to further our advancement and to look out for us, they say. Evidence for this is sadly lacking, however, as is the evidence that God, or a group of gods, is actively involved in our salvation.

If these entitities are here to further our advancement then they certainly seem to have a glacial sense of time. And what's with the overabundance of mind-numbing fascists on both the left and right? You'd think natural selection, if true, would have eliminated all of these defective people long ago.

Are they experimenting on humans? Well, we humans do all kinds of experiments on the lesser lifeforms here on Earth. Why would a superior being have any qualms about doing the same to us? Who are we to complain?

Perhaps they are here to give us some tough love without revealing themselves...sort of like an anonymous benefactor that chooses to remain in the background while pointing out subtle guidelines that should be followed.

Those who believe that they have been abducted would disagree with the touchy feely, warm and fuzzy view of these alien entities. Their stories are full of clinical, callous disregard for our sense of human dignity by these so-called Space Brothers.

So what are we to believe? Are we are totally screwed? Are we are totally dependent upon the whims or agenda of a supreme God, a plethora of pagan gods, or perhaps even the Space Brothers?

Was it Yogi Bear who said, "What a revolting situation!"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quote of the Day

“Our misguided program directors cling to the false belief
that we can control or manipulate the Non-Human Entities,
when in actuality, the reverse is occurring - we are the ones being
manipulated and deceived.” - Intelligence Agents, Dept. of Defense

Quote found at Earthfiles

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

End of the World?

Everyone seems worried about the end of the world nowadays. Someone once told me that we should live our lives as if every day was Judgment Day. I agree.

Latest crop circle here

Friday, June 5, 2009

Global Warming

A new term, “Geo-engineering,” has come to the fore at various international meetings dealing with ‘Global warming’ (now more correctly addressed as Climate Change).

The term was officially embraced by the new U.S. presidential science advisor, John Holdern. Speaking at a recent international conference in Bonn, Germany, he revealed that “Geo-engineering” is among the “extreme options” under discussion by the U.S. government: Using space-age technology yet to be devised, he said, “particles will be shot into the Earth’s upper atmosphere to create a shield that will reflect away from Earth the Sun’s warming rays.” While such extraordinary measures would be only a last resort, “we don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table,” Dr. Holdren said.

Such new space-age ideas duplicate technologies that have already been used 450,000 years ago!

More here

Reprinting permitted on condition that
© Z. Sitchin is indicated.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jellyfish Crop Circle

Is someone pushing the Spaghetti Monster meme? Crop circles seem to be more and more playful nowadays. Video here.