Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Unidentified Submerged Objects

Are aliens taking abductees to their underwater lairs to administer frightening physical examinations out of the way of prying eyes?

Is a "secret invasion" about to take place that is being kept veiled for the time being because the ETs – or whoever they are – have hidden themselves in our vast bodies of water?

There is now ample evidence that existing alongside the UFO phenomenon is an equally complex but less well known phenomenon with the acronym USO, which stands for Unidentified Submerged Object, or alternately, Unidentified Submarine Object. While they are seen much less frequently than the aboveground UFOs, they are nevertheless observed often enough to warrant extensive study as a related phenomenon.

In the book "UFO Abduction From Undersea," published by Timothy Green Beckley through his publishing company Global Communications, I contributed some opening chapters on USOs to set the stage for a book coauthored by Miami UFO researcher Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo and the late Colonel (Ret) Wendelle Stevens about a fascinating USO case that took place in 1979.

"UFO Abduction From Undersea" begins, fittingly enough, with the attempt to define just what an USO is. In an interview I conducted for the book with world-renowned UFO researcher Stanton Friedman, he told me, "There have been a number of reports over the years of objects that do several things. Navy submarines have apparently seen things moving along much faster than they can underwater, without going in or coming out. Others have seen UFOs come down in the water and move around and then take off from the water. And there have been reports of things that just come bursting forth out of the water."

Another story was told to me by Don Ledger, the coauthor of a book on the famous Shag Harbor incident. Ledger received training in the fields of marine navigational aids and radar. In the course of that training, he spoke to a man at a sonar shop at a naval base in Halifax, Canada.

"He was working as a repairman for the navy on sonar," Ledger recalled. "I asked him, ‘Did you ever see anything unusual down there, like whales or something besides submarines?’ And he said, ‘Oh, yeah, every once in a while we’ll run across something that seems to be moving way too fast for a submarine.’ I said, ‘What do you mean by fast?’ And he said, ‘Well, one time we recorded one going about 150 miles an hour underwater. That’s impossible.’ So I said, was there something wrong with the equipment? And he said, no, the equipment all checked out."

The sonar repairman also said it hadn’t been the first time such an object had been sighted and it would not be the last time, either. The repairman also said the USO had reached an incredible depth of two miles, which is also well in excess of the abilities of manmade submarines. It is amazing that they can handle the pressure without killing the occupants, especially when that fact is coupled with the extremes of speed these objects can reportedly attain. Perhaps, Ledger speculates, the objects are surrounded by an energy field that operates equally well both in the air and underwater.

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