Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hand of God?

Of course it's only a photograph of objects millions of miles away but yet it does seem to strike a chord deep down within us, doesn't it?
After reading the following quote found here, I am wondering if perhaps the entire world is being given a wakeup call. Signs of the times?

"This past month, in the United States, alone, according to the National Unidentified Flying Object Reporting Center , there were one thousand, two hundred and nine sightings of unidentified phenomenon, objects seen throughout this country, in less than four weeks."
"Even if a significant number of these civilian reports are explainable, this is the escalating extension of a disturbing trend, not that the territorial airspace of this nation is being navigated routinely by unknown phenomenon, but that,perhaps more importantly, the lid on this boiling pot is as sealed as securely as it ever was, by the inability of our national media, as well as journalism in general, to report rather than entertain, to investigate rather than console or advise us."

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