Monday, June 2, 2008

"Little People" of Alaska

Most people think that those of us who believe in UFOs are insanely crazy or just plain liars. Yet week after week, year after year, stories keep popping up that defy common sense. Like this one...

City folk usually dismiss ircenrraat as superstition. Those who have lived in Yup'ik country for any period of time tend to be a little more inclined to listen. For one thing, the stories are persistent and often come from respectable observers. For another, when you're by yourself in the middle of nowhere, things happen that are hard to explain.

After a little background the story finally gets around to this...

"It wasn't until the next day that the story started emerging that he'd had what you'd call an out-of-the-ordinary experience," he told me. "He'd had some missing time, just like people who report being abducted by UFOs."

Isn't it strange that people from all over the world eventually have similar stories to tell? There is a truth here that we are unable to grasp. Nor are we inclined to investigate too deeply.

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