Thursday, June 5, 2008

Has science made belief in God obsolete?

From my mailbox comes this story. Thanks Danny.

Samples follow...

...while science probably makes God obsolete, it certainly has not made belief in Him obsolete. According to a 2007 Harris Poll, 82 percent of adult Americans believe that there is a God. In 1916, Shermer noted, a survey found that 40 percent of practicing scientists believed in God. That figure is roughly commensurate with the percentage of scientists today who affirm faith in God.

Shermer argued that “any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence would be indistinguishable from God.” Science has nothing to say empirically about a supernatural being outside the realm of the natural world.

“I do not believe that science is ever going to prove the existence of God,” he explained, “nor do I believe that science is ever going to disprove the existence of God.”

Shermer, however, insisted that religion cannot be separated wholly from science, because “at some point, if you believe in God, you just have to believe that he’s…entering our world. And if he’s entering our world, isn’t he doing it in some measurable way? And now we’re back to the natural world.” Phillips, while assuring Shermer that he believes God does work in the world—he is a theist, not a deist—said that he “has a hunch” that God does so in “undetectable” ways.

As for me, the UFO Pilgrim, I believe that someday scientists will throw up their hands and proclaim that only the existence of God can explain the universe. And they will say that to deny the existence of God is to deny reality. That's what I believe, for what it's worth.

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