Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gnostics and the Aliens

If you have ever studied gnosticism you are probably as confused as I am. No wonder the Catholic Church saw them as heretics. But as this story illustrates, maybe the Gnostics were on to something...

Dr. Salla, David Icke, Alex Collier, and numerous other testimony, suggests that Manipulative Extraterrestrials have indeed visited Earth, and that they pursue an alleged on-going agenda against human free will. A composite of the representation of these presenters, is that some Manipulative Extraterrestrials have the technological capabilities for periods of time to take human form. It is alleged that Manipulative Extraterrestrials in human form, seek to act as Trojan horses within human institutions, to mis-direct humanity into an agenda that serves the divide, rule and conquest ambitions of a clique of alien races.

What's so frustrating is that Liberals will see Bush, Cheney, Rove, et al as manipulating reptilian fascists. And Conservatives will see Al Gore, Clinton, Carter, Obama, et al in the same light. Someone let me know when you have the evidence for either.

Through simulated reality, these aliens according to the Gnostics, seek to create a “reality tunnel” that can be used to deceive and control humanity. The ability to mimic and replicate reality would include, the ability to copy and assume a human form, while not being human at all.

The impression I get from reading the entire story is that we are moving towards acceptance of the Biblical concept of a great war between good and evil. And we humans are the prize. The ancient Greeks recounted tales of great wars in which the Gods urged on their favorites and even wagered with one another as to who would win. I get the distinct impression that God and Satan are the protagonists. Perhaps they have a friendly wager as to who shall win. And you and I are the pawns. Our souls are at stake.

One of the more enlightened pawns, C. S. Lewis, had this to say, “The Devil cannot stand being mocked.” So choose your side carefully, if you value your soul. Mock away. Now and forever.

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